Absolute Projects (India) Ltd. is an EPC Contracting company which executes power distribution projects on turnkey basis and provides
services with end to end business solution in mind. For more details, you can visit company profile.
The company has rolled out transparent and friendly Human Resources policies. Further, with a view to promote performance based culture, team work and encouraging innovation and a fast learning cur among its human resource, the career channels for executive and non executive staff are well defined with clear cut career progression paths. Requirement of professional competencies are required for acquiring specific positions alongwith the career path are clearly delineated in these progression channels. While the organisation promotes merit order rating, an employee joining in officer cadre can aspires to become General Manager in 20 years but a fast tracker can reach the same position much earlier e.g. within 14 - 15 years.
In order to impart merit order rating among the entire executive cadre, the company's annual business plan is provided with clear annual organisation level targets and assign performance indicators for each function of the organisation. These performance indicators facilitate in preparing Key Result Areas (KRAs) to achieve targets set in the annual business plan. Achievements of KRAs is supported with adequate reward and recognition avenues to nurture high performing culture in the organisation.
To ensure high emphasis on team building in the company, the KRAs operated at departmental level to be achieved are assigned to the whole departmental team. It facilitate in promoting harmony in the group, building strong teams, improves upon the engagement and foster quick development of employees.
Taking cue from the Gallup employees' feed work survey, the company supports a healthy work culture which believes in fulfilling all lower needs of the Maslow hierarchy. Therefore, it has been assured by the company working culture supported with required modern infrastructure such as office automation, communication facilities, healthy working environment with adequate emphasis on hygiene factors and office environment.
The company supports a compensation which is not only employee and taxation friendly but also competitive with the industry benchmarks. HRD ensures to look into the promotion and salary revision avenues sometimes even more than once a year. The emphasis is primarily on keeping the employee on higher incentive and salary package instead of counting number of working hands. Our company always implements & time to time revise the Minimum Wages as per Minimum Wages Notification under Minimum Wages Act, 1948.